classe Cache (Voir la source)
Cache constructor.
Cache configuration method
Add new enter in the cache system
Add many item
Adds a cache that will persist
Add new enter in the cache system
Retrieve an entry in the cache
Increase the cache expiration time
Retrieves the cache expiration time
Delete an entry in the cache
Check for an entry in the cache.
Check if the cache has expired
Clear all cache
__construct(string $base_directory)
Cache constructor.
confirgure(string $base_directory)
Cache configuration method
static bool
add(string $key, mixed $data, int $time = null)
Add new enter in the cache system
static bool
addMany(array $data)
Add many item
static bool
forever(string $key, mixed $data)
Adds a cache that will persist
static bool
push(string $key, mixed $data)
Add new enter in the cache system
static mixed
get(string $key, mixed $default = null)
Retrieve an entry in the cache
static bool
addTime(string $key, int $time)
Increase the cache expiration time
static bool|string|int
timeOf(string $key)
Retrieves the cache expiration time
static bool
forget(string $key)
Delete an entry in the cache
static bool
has(string $key)
Check for an entry in the cache.
static bool
expired(string $key)
Check if the cache has expired
static void
Clear all cache
__call($name, $arguments)