trait StringRule (Voir la source)
Compile Required Rule
Compile Empty Rule
Compile Alphanum Rule
Compile In Rule
Compile Size Rule
Compile Lower Rule
Compile Upper Rule
Compile Alpha Rule
Compile Min Mask
Compile Max Rule
Compile Some Rule
protected void
compileRequired(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Required Rule
protected void
compileEmpty(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Empty Rule
protected void
compileAlphaNum(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Alphanum Rule
[alphanum] Check that the field content is an alphanumeric string
protected void
compileIn(string $key, string $masque)
Compile In Rule
[in:(value, ...)] Check that the contents of the field are equal to the defined value
protected void
compileSize(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Size Rule
[size:value] Check that the contents of the field is a number of character equal to the defined value
protected void
compileLower(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Lower Rule
[lower] Check that the content of the field is a string in miniscule
protected void
compileUpper(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Upper Rule
[upper] Check that the contents of the field is a string in uppercase
protected void
compileAlpha(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Alpha Rule
[alpha] Check that the field content is an alpha
protected void
compileMin(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Min Mask
[min:value] Check that the content of the field is a number of minimal character following the defined value
protected void
compileMax(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Max Rule
[max:value] Check that the content of the field is a number of maximum character following the defined value
protected void
compileSame(string $key, string $masque)
Compile Some Rule
[same:value] Check that the field contents are equal to the mask value