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Version: Canary 🚧

👨🏾‍💻 Bow Console


help display command helper

GENERATE create a new app key and resources

generate:resource Create new REST controller generate:session For generate session table generate:key Create new app key

ADD Create a user class

add:middlewareCreate new middleware
add:configurationCreate new configuration
add:serviceCreate new service
add:exceptionCreate new exception
add:controllerCreate new controller
add:modelCreate new model
add:validatorCreate new validator
add:seederCreate new table fake seeder
add:migrationCreate a new migration
add:eventCreate a new event listener

MIGRATION apply a migration in user model

migration:migrateMake migration
migration:resetReset all migration
migration:rollbackRollback to previous migration
migrateAlias of migration:migrate

CLEAR for clear cache information

clear:view Clear view cached information clear:cache Clear cache information clear:session Clear session cache information clear:log Clear logs cache information clear:all Clear all cache information

SEED Make seeding

seed:table [name] Make seeding for one table seed:all Make seeding for all

RUN Launch process

run:console show psysh php REPL for debug you code. run:server run a local web server.

Il manque quelque chose ?

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec la documentation ou si vous avez des suggestions pour améliorer la documentation ou le projet en général, veuillez déposer une issue pour nous, ou envoyer un tweet mentionnant le compte Twitter @bowframework ou sur directement sur le github.